Monday, August 9, 2010

Interesting Concepts

I have always felt that being a good listener is one of the most important parts of any kind of relationship. I found the concept of decoding messages: Listening and perception to very interesting. I found this to be interesting because listening is such an important part of communication and I think that some people don’t really understand that. While listening is an essential in creating and maintaining relationships, listening is a complex process. I also found the chapter on Language and Social Identity interesting especially when it talks about expressive cultures and how emotions that we use without even thinking are portrayed. Language gives us power if we use language wisely, we can control communication as the book says. I think this quote is spot on and have seen this happen in everyday life. I also like how the book says, language is a powerful tool. It allows us to influence, regulate, persuade, and dominate one another. It makes us the humans we are. The list goes on about the interesting concepts that I have taken from this book, and this class but these were the few that really stood out to me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Morgan.Segall! The class is finally coming to a close. I hope you enjoyed the class over the last 10 weeks as much as I did. Although, I don't know about you but I'm very excited for a break before the fall semester starts. I really enjoyed reading your post about decoding messages. I thought that was an interesting concept because half of the time people say one thing but they mean another. People are tricky that way.Especially girls. Girls are very deceptive with their words especially when they are talking to guys. Girls will tell a guy one thing but they mean something completely different and they expect the guy to understand the hidden meaning of their message. Guys are very simple and they take the literal meaning of what girls say and when they don't get the hidden message girls get mad at them. It's definitely a vicious cycle.
